Sunday 27 June 2010


I almost forgot, these guys came bumbling along our road about a week ago and landed in next door's front garden on a bush.  There were thousands of them and we got a local bee keeper to come along and remove them which was fascinating and then he had to come back the next day because there were still loads left on the bush.  Apparently there were two queens in the swarm and he only got one of them. 


Hels Sheridan said...

Cor blimey! I was staring at the photo thinking it was a load of wood...then i realised.....soooo many beeees!!!!! eeek, i would have been off like the clappers! Hope they have gone now! x

Suzanne C said...

WOW! that is a huge nest. I am glad they took care of it.

Chris Arlington said...

Yikes! I am allergic to bees so I am glad they weren't here.

Heather said...

How exciting Carol - I hope they all stay healthy. It reminds me of a couple of years back when I heard a buzzing sound which got louder and louder. I couldn't see where it was coming from, them suddenly a whole swarm of bees flew over my head and up between the backs of the houses. They looked like a black cloud as they disappeared from view.

Darlene said...

wow that would be something to see !


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! Wonder where they came from!

cockney blonde said...

Wow, what a sight that must have been. So glad they've been safely removed, x

Cath Wilson said...

Wow! Glad they got rid of them for you - I'd have been terrified, lol. Nice experience to see them, though.