Thursday 28 August 2008

Gothic Arch Challenge - Black, white & a hint of red

I started this black and white fairy door some time back and never finished it so here was an excuse to get it done for this week's gothic arch challenge. It's not quite my usual style. The insects liked it. If you look closely, you can see a woodlouse crawling up the right door!


Rick said...

Just passing through and saw your work. I actually like you stuff - you style is a bit different from the usual "card blogs" I see surfing around the blog-o-shere". I even like the way you choose to photograph them in a natural background - it helps, rather than distracts from, your work.

Gio said...

UAU! My english is so poor to tell how much I like it.. your Gothic Arch is stunning!

penibear said...

FAB - might just go and do one of these myself.... It's nice that the bugs appreciate it...

deb said...

Love this Carol, I have the same pack of paper and am really struggling with how to use it, you've done a grand job with it.

Creative Chaos said...

Fantastic again, Carol !!!
Patti xx

Judy said...

Your arch is fabulous, Carol, so different - it opens! What a great idea and I love all your artwork on your blog, too!

Viola said...

Great arch!!

Anonymous said...

This is very cool!

Anonymous said...

This looks fabulous

Unknown said...

I love this Carol, gorgeous arch, love that it opens and is a fairy door too.
and PMSL @ you blogging a woodlouse. lol

Chriss Rollins said...

Hello Carol,
I am soooo pleased thet you finaly finished and entered your stunning arch.
Along with the creepy crawley,
The red look like they are ladybirds at a glance.
Thanku for entering the challenge.
chriss x

Audrey said...

I don't think I want to look that close now ;-0


Its fab though

Jocy said...

Wow, your arch looks really great!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful !!