Tuesday 12 August 2008

Blogging Friends Forever Award

I have had my first award from overseas(!) Finn and I have been admiring each other's blogs for a while and she has given me the Blogging Friends Forever award - one of the people nominated has to live overseas so I guess thats me! I opted out of passing an award on last time but there are quite a few blogs that have given me inspiration lately so I'm going to pass this on.

Here are the rules:
1. Only five people allowed
2. 4 of them have to be dedicated followers of your blog and 1 has to be new and live in another part of the world.
3. You have to link back to who gave you the award.

1 Firstly to Patty who has finally started a blog. I love looking at the stitching
2 Nellie who's blog was one of the first to inspire me and does great things with colour
3 Kaz for her gorgeous artwork
4 Ingvild Bolme recently discovered and produces amazing creations on her scrap pages..
5 .. and finally Viola who creates the most divine mixed media work


Viola said...

Thank you so much, Carol! You are always so kind! Have a wonderful week, dear! :o)

Kaz said...

Thank you soooooooooo much Carol, I love and appreciate getting awards, I shall have to think of 5 people now, really I could pass it on ten times that....lol
haven't heard of a couple of your links so I'm off to investigate!!
Love nellie and viola's blogs too.

Kaz said...

ooooooo and I love your header!!

Creative Chaos said...

Aaaww, than you so much Carol !!!
This kind of things really made me go on with my blog !! I really apreciate it !!
Patti xxx